Friendly discussion of contemporary (and, occasionally, classic) fiction and nonfiction.
One spring afternoon, the Devil, trailing fire and chaos in his wake, weaves himself out of the shadows and into Moscow. Mikhail Bulgakov’s fantastical, funny, and devastating satire of Soviet life combines two distinct yet interwoven parts, one set in contemporary Moscow, the other in ancient Jerusalem, each brimming with historical, imaginary, frightful, and wonderful characters. Written during the darkest days of Stalin’s reign, and finally published in 1966 and 1967, The Master and Margarita became a literary phenomenon, signaling artistic and spiritual freedom for Russians everywhere.
Books are available on a first-come basis at the Information Desk. You may also call the Library at 563-344-4179 to have a book signed out to you and placed on the Holds shelf. Remote attendance is possible; please register in order to have the login information sent to you.
This program is funded by the Friends of the Bettendorf Public Library.
The Bettendorf Public Library has served the community of Bettendorf since July 12, 1955. We offer Library events for all ages, and our meeting rooms are available for public use. See more information about our meeting room policy at